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Why shop with us
Are you looking for quality and comfortable sportswear and equipment that will last for years? Our range is very extensive, so there is something for everyone. We offer around 50,000 products. A large part of them are always in stock and shipped immediately. For some products we have an extended availability, we always show clearly when you will receive them. We are constantly offering new discounts of up to 80%.
We have a huge range of OSPREY and DEUTER backpacks. We specialize in outdoor clothing brands KILPI, HANNAH, TRIMM, MAMMUT, LA SPORTIVA, HUSKY, ALPINE PRO. You will find a breathtaking selection of world outdoor brands FJÄLLRÄVEN and THE NORTH FACE. We also have almost the widest range of legendary KEEN footwear on the Czech market. The same can be said about the offer of the highest quality outdoor accessories of the SEA TO SUMMIT brand. The cycling brands POC, FOX, UVEX, BONTRAGER and FORCE need no long introduction to cycling fans.
We have been in the industry for over 27 years, of which our online shop has been in operation for over 16 years. You can trust us to take good care of your order.