The Scape backpack from HUSKY's new collection of outdoor gear is on the borderline between expedition and hiking backpacks. It is therefore perfectly suited especially for short stays, when you can hide exactly what you need to take with you.
It is a very practical and lightweight luggage, which is available in two pleasant colours. Also in this case, of course, the use of modern construction and quality materials make it comfortable and resistant enough to the outside elements.
- NBS back system with duralumin reinforcements
- Down padding on the shoulder and hip straps
- Anatomically shaped shoulder and hip straps
- 1 main compartment with added side entry
- Side mesh pockets
- Side compression straps
- Chest and waist strap
- Waterproof zippers
- Handles for trekking poles or other gear
- Elastic fixation for gear on lid
- Preparation for water bag
- Flap
- Reflective elements
Capacity: 38 l
Weight: 960 g
Dimensions: 56 × 28 × 21 cm
Material: 420D shiny big honey-comb ripstop, 600D Polyester with waterproof treatment
Networked back system, which is unique in its design. It is fixed by two duralumin reinforcements that keep the backpack body away from the mesh adjacent to the back. This creates an in-between space where air can circulate freely between your back and the pack. In addition, this system has great shape adaptability.
The goods are in the following categories:
hiking backpacks Men's backpacks men's hiking backpacks hiking backpacks HUSKY vše
HUSKY was founded in 1993 to manufacture and market camping equipment and sportswear. It offers complete equipment for outdoor enthusiasts, tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, winter and summer textiles.